Wednesday 20 July 2011

Don Norman: Emotional Design

Don Noman's talk is a fun and entertaining explanation of how beautiful and prettier products are purchased over ugly, yet more functional products.  For example, Alessi's juicer.

As stated in the title of the video, Norman explains in 3 ways good design makes you happy:

1. The Visceral Experience
2. The Behavioural Experience
3. The Reflective Experience

The Visceral Experience is when it is built into our brains that we prefer more colourful and bright things, and sometimes things that are hotter or colder, or when things sound better.  For example, A bottle of water is purchased because of the bottle's aesthetics rather then the water itself, and it is reused for decoration or even to refill it again with water.

The Behavioural Experience is the minimal level of processing.  A subconscious way of thinking, when we are unaware of doing things; it is automatic behaviour when we feel we are in control.

The Reflective Experience is when the brain doesn't control what you do but when the "little voices" in your head tell you what you think is good or bad.  It is when products are preferred because of the image/status, not about how good it is.  For example, a more expensive watch is preferred over an ugly g-shock watch which may perform better, because people may think "wow, i didn't know you had that watch" and they may be impressed.

Industrial Design students should watch this video because it changes the way you think and process things.  Norman states "Intense fear and anxiety causes you to focus" For example, when you are given something to do, you give yourself a deadline and you control yourself not to be distracted.

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